life’s too boring to not make your own fun
Me, i am a god.
If you’ve lived, you know that it’s a little slow sometimes. This is an attempt to document stupid ideas I have when I’m bored, or at least what I do to not fall in the deepest darkest pits of despair one can find.
Everyone has cases of the sads, or melancholy as Abraham Lincoln called it. He wrote in a letter to John Stuart :
“To remain as I am is impossible; I must die or be better”
Abraham Lincoln
and this is an attempt to be better.
Here I’ll be documenting a lot of stuff, my understanding of philosophical concepts, thoughts about music (long rants about songs/albums I like or just progressions I found by messing around), a documentation of my journey into guitar electronics and any other projects I find intrest in.
For guitar electronics, I have too many ideas and a lot of research to do, therefore for anyone out there who might have the same ideas I want to make what I didn’t have and have you follow the process of being a stubborn. Stuff will be up there soon.
I hope you enjoy, and if you don’t : I don’t really care.